Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stroller fun!

This video is just worth it for CHEESE! We're outside getting ready to go to the grocery store, but have to try out the baby stroller first. And to hear Mena's whine to go outside as well...hilarious! Taken Monday, 12/29/2008.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Xmas and more...

Photos from Xmas and beyond!

What is wrong with this picture?

Lord family portrait, even Willa made it!

Trying out Auntie Krystal's Cookie Monster slippers.

The cute cousins munching on goldfish.

I really like this box.

The stroller was indeed a hit.

Having fun with Willa.

Getting ready for Santa...yum yum OREOS!

Christmas morning.

Awesome desk!

Trying out the stroller outside...balmy 40 today 12/29

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice storm photos

The Ice Storm was a great adventure, that's about the only nice thing I can say about it. We lost power at 9:30pm on Thursday, December 11 and it was resumed Monday, December 15 sometime after 7pm!

The house was 66 degrees when I went to bed at 11pm that first night, and continued to drop, by the time Chris got home Friday night it was 59, and when we left Saturday around noon it was 56...certainly time to find REAL heat!

Still happy...not realizing that there's no Barney! hahahahahahahaha!

Eating Cheerios that Friday afternoon...

Can you see Willa and Mena all snuggled up in the many blankets Saturday morning?

We found some fun in the windows when we put a pot of hot water boiling on the stove...entertainment for about 10 minutes!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Going to be a big sister?!

A littled shocked at the news, but still enjoying her evening milk.

She's a little more excited here!

So that's the news folks...come early June 2009, another Wee-Lord! I'm close to the end of the first trimester, so feeling a bit better these days! :-)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Working on the basement...

Mr. L and Mr. L working on the basement!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Some photos...

Stuff we've been up to!
Wedding in MD...

Playing outside while we still can!

Trying out our new winter jacket on the morning walk.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Garbage Plate 10-24-08

Had a great trip to Ohio last weekend. Stopped in Rochester on the way there and had to go to Tahoe's to get a garbage plate, Alana didn't partake in the fun, but she did enjoy the tables...Brian completely cleaned his plate, I got about halfway through! Ah the memories. Sent this photo to Chris via the phone...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Camera broken! Boston Take II

My casio camera's zoom is freaking out, so we're out of photos for a while...

Went to Boston today. Had an awesome drive in, lots of pretty trees in peak color, and surprisingly little traffic. Have to love EZ pass...fly by all those slow pokes in the cash only lanes....muhahahaha.

Good Karma -- a woman gave KG and I her two extra tickets (from her membership) to get into the museum (savings $17 a piece). I did have library passes so we were only going to pay $5 but still FREE is so much better! THEN when I went back to the MFA to pay for parking before leaving, and ran into some members trying to get their discount but having much difficulty...I showed them how to properly use the kiosks and was given the use of their membership card...(savings $10)....how awesome is that! And to keep passing this good karma on, I gave a cute European couple my $5 coupon as they were entering the museum...wow...what a day eh?

Made it home in one piece too!

Off to MD...and then OHIO...it's going to be a busy October. Hope ya'll are happy and healthy (as GCP likes to say).

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Adventure at the MFA

We visited the MFA yesterday and had a grand time in the galleries, which were practically empty! We went to the Roman/Greek/Egyptian area first, absolutely lovely! Then we met CEL for lunch, so wonderful to hang out. We then explored the Chinese art galleries on foot, yes, Alana walked around (rather ran at times), and tuckered herself out! We also found that most galleries had beautiful pieces of furniture that you could sit ON! Like Jere Osgood, and Sam Maloof and even Nakashima! That was cool for ME to see, and SIT!

I forgot my camera, so here are two photos of Alana planning our next trip...

She's telling me that we missed the Winslow Homer exhibition and she'd really like to see it next time...try and remember Mama...

And here she's remembering getting yelled at for touching the totally awesome mural/chair/modern piece in the long hallway by the cafe..."what mom, it was soooo awesome to touch!" OOOOOPs! as we got yelled at by security man....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Alana and her "pet"

She takes her pet gourd with her where-ever she goes in the kitchen. Then...something else tickles her fancy and the gourd is dropped...it's a really fun GAME!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wind from IKE...took off the petals!

Last week we had wind from IKE...and it took all the petals off the one sunflower and knocked the others to the ground. Alana joined me in our "recovery" of sorts.