Anyway, here are Chris, Graydon and Najam at CapCity, one of my fav restaurants...yes, b/c of the free pretzels! and awesome mustard dipping sauce!

Then Kate came to visit, for a totally fun weekend in Maryland! :-) We went to Brookside Gardens Nature Center, where she took this lovely picture of J wishing she were a turtle! hehehe...I was rooting for the TERPS people!
and Willa loved Kate's company this weekend, here we are at her favorite vantage point, the window to the world outside...I like to call it her bridal chamber, she always looks like a bride when she pokes her head out to see what you're cooking in the kitchen! Doesn't Kate look great!! :-)

And finally...kate returned home...and this lovely photo was taken shortly thereafter, dear sweet nicholas climbing without anything but he's own brut strength up onto the adorable eh?

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