Well, Alana now knows how to climb into the dining room chairs and the downfall to having an "open floor plan" is that you can't close the door to the "dining room". So we have the chairs on the table, they come down when Alana's in her high chair and we're all eating...a day in the life...eh!

Got this great Kelty backpack on craigslist, we're in training for Mt. Monadnock!

Made this cute little hat for the baby girl just born 9-11! next door!

The two ladies of the house!

A quick visit! Fun! fun...mile high apple pie and all!
1 comment:
Did lots of miles with a Kelty backpack full of kid. Their great!!! She wont want to give it up.
How's you're garden?
Got a goat all picked out for you. Wont take up any more room than a Great Dane, and she'll give you milk for nine months and probably a couple of baby goats to eat or sell.
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