Monday, June 16, 2008

Playing with my new horsey (pronouned hossey)

Had to throw in this photo of willa, "pleeeease let me in, I promise to be a good girl!" was post-dog-dinner-time, and we were getting ready for the w-a-l-k!

Alana got a new toy from our neighbor, it's around thirty years old! and she loves it!

Alana watching Daddy mow the grass...

Alana likes to watch Chris mow the grass...from the doorway that goes to no-where!

Aww, my reflection!

Back to the important issue, "do you think Daddy should have dropped the cut down a 1/4 inch?"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A weekend in MD/VA! & Laura's baby shower!

Thank you Wendy & Justin for having me over! It was a great time!

We just finished making the cupcakes! Too tired to even want to try them! Justin was our tester, and he said they were good!

Day of the party, Pepper decided to get out of the picture and slept in the living room, such a cutie.

Diaper cake finalized! It was a lot of fun to make!

Wendy and Susan, not really wanting a picture taken.

Seamus before he went on an adventure with Jim.

The martini glasses and punch!

All important food!

I got one picture of people attending the party, here we have Robyn, Betsy, Laura and Mary about to sit down.

The cupcakes! Banana cupcakes with a cinnamon cream cheese frosting (and monkeyfaces), and then chocolate cream cheese cupcakes with strawberry cream cheese frosting! Yum! Yum!

The favors!

And after we left the party...what license plate did we soon as we left Susan's development no less! hehehe

And I'd like to finish it off with pictures of Mr. White! The cat that Justin & Wendy look after...I think that's the only way to put it.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Here I am with a bee at the AA Co. Fair in 2003!

Happy Birthday Krystal! Hope you are having a great day!! Picture from Xmas 2005!